Bankruptcy may be the best way to get a fresh financial start if you are being harassed by bill collectors, threatened with repossession or foreclosure, if your wages are being garnished, or if you have a problem with the IRS. When you declare bankruptcy, these unwelcome intrusions in your life come to an end and you can get your financial affairs back on track.
You are not alone. Millions of Americans have sought debt relief through Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. They got a fresh financial start. Below is a list of the most common reasons for filing bankruptcy.
Your Baim Law Firm bankruptcy attorney in Pine Bluff, El Dorado, or Hot Springs will advise you on your options and help you make the best bankruptcy choice for your individual circumstances. Contact us today at (870) 534-2941 or on our Contact Page.
301 East Sixth Avenue
Pine Bluff AR 71601
(870) 534-2941
Toll Free: 800-848-2941
307 B Carpenter Dam Road
Hot Springs AR 71901
(501) 609-9800
Toll Free: 800-848-2941